
Submitted by Admin on

Community Presbyterian Church is not made up of perfect people. (Surprise!) The church is not a civic organization with a Board of Directors. The church has Jesus Christ as the Head of the Church, and we are a family seeking to follow the one Lord faithfully. We are the church made up of people committed to growing as disciples of Jesus Christ.

How? Worship, prayer, bible study, acts of mission and caring, nurture of people at all stages of their faith - children, young people, empty nesters, mature adults, etc.)
Community Presbyterian Church does not expect everyone to think or believe the same things.

We values and appreciates people who are at different places in their faith journey. We are diverse! Some are very sure, some are not so sure. Some are seekers, some are confident believers, some are bible scholars, some are new explorers of God’s Word. All have a voice.

We welcome all who wish to worship the Triune God.There are no dress requirements! All backgrounds and races are welcome. Some give a great deal in time and talent and treasure, some give just what they can. Some have lives that revolve around church, others find their heart centered in Sunday worship. Different seasons bring different levels of participation in the vital congregational life we share - but all are welcome!